The Down syndrome Creed

My face may be different, but my feelings the same,
I laugh, I cry, I take pride in my gains.
I was sent here among you to teach you to love,
As God in the heavens looks down from above.
To Him I'm no different, His love knows no bounds.
It's those here among you, in cities, and towns,
That judge me by standards that man has imparted.
But the family He's chosen will help me get started.
For I am one of His children, so special and few,
That came here to learn the same lessons as you.
That love is acceptance, it must come from the heart.
We all have the same purpose, though not from the start.
The Lord gave me my life to live and embrace,
And I'll do it as you do, just at my own pace.
~Author Unknown~

This was included on Tarenne’s birth announcement.

1 comment:

Sara said...

what a wonderful Story Nicole! We did the same thing with the birth announcment... :)