I'm glad you are here and I hope you enjoy our story. However this is just the BEGINNING of our journey. I wanted a place that new Mommies could share our journey and that wouldn't get buried in new posts, so I created Tarenne's Tales.
Please visit our family's current blog at:
I knew in a way too. I had always been a worrier. i asked my husband years before we starting trying for a family. WHat if we had trouble what if I can't get pregnant. Well we had trouble and they had to use fertilty drugs to get my system back in order. Then we found at at 5 months along that we were having twins. They came almost 6 weeks early. I always worried that something was wronga nd worreid but had the triple test back and it came back fine no problems. So I was put at ease. When the babies were 3 weeks old, the dorctor called and said the nurses thought he had down syndrome, he was sure they were wrong. We got the results a weelk later. He tested positibe for Down Syndrome we found out for sure two days before Thanksgiving. It was a challenge but we went on.
I would love for you to email me. I have a special Taryn of my own! I am ONegirl3boyz@comcast.net
It has been good to read your story as my wife and I begin a journey of our own with our 5th child being affected with DS. We also have created a blog to chronicle our journey. You can visit our blog at http://www.jaybirdnwa.blogspot.com
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