With the prenatal diagnosis of our daughter Tarenne, we started on the amazing journey of having Down syndrome in our lives. It is our desire for others to see the blessing with true eyes!
I'm glad you are here and I hope you enjoy our story. However this is just the BEGINNING of our journey. I wanted a place that new Mommies could share our journey and that wouldn't get buried in new posts, so I created Tarenne's Tales.
I knew in a way too. I had always been a worrier. i asked my husband years before we starting trying for a family. WHat if we had trouble what if I can't get pregnant. Well we had trouble and they had to use fertilty drugs to get my system back in order. Then we found at at 5 months along that we were having twins. They came almost 6 weeks early. I always worried that something was wronga nd worreid but had the triple test back and it came back fine no problems. So I was put at ease. When the babies were 3 weeks old, the dorctor called and said the nurses thought he had down syndrome, he was sure they were wrong. We got the results a weelk later. He tested positibe for Down Syndrome we found out for sure two days before Thanksgiving. It was a challenge but we went on.
It has been good to read your story as my wife and I begin a journey of our own with our 5th child being affected with DS. We also have created a blog to chronicle our journey. You can visit our blog at http://www.jaybirdnwa.blogspot.com
I have four little girls that I adore. I stay home to guide and care for them every step of the way and wouldn't have it any other way!
My 2nd daughter Tarenne has Down syndrome. Having a child with special needs has been one of the most amazing gifts that we have been given.
I have a firm belief in God and in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I feel God's presence in miraculous ways in my life. I strive to make more time for Him and to share Him with others.
I also LOVE to chat with new and pregnant moms of babies who have T21. If you've stumbled across my blog because you are joining the journey of T21 please feel free to contact me. It would bless me!
I knew in a way too. I had always been a worrier. i asked my husband years before we starting trying for a family. WHat if we had trouble what if I can't get pregnant. Well we had trouble and they had to use fertilty drugs to get my system back in order. Then we found at at 5 months along that we were having twins. They came almost 6 weeks early. I always worried that something was wronga nd worreid but had the triple test back and it came back fine no problems. So I was put at ease. When the babies were 3 weeks old, the dorctor called and said the nurses thought he had down syndrome, he was sure they were wrong. We got the results a weelk later. He tested positibe for Down Syndrome we found out for sure two days before Thanksgiving. It was a challenge but we went on.
I would love for you to email me. I have a special Taryn of my own! I am ONegirl3boyz@comcast.net
It has been good to read your story as my wife and I begin a journey of our own with our 5th child being affected with DS. We also have created a blog to chronicle our journey. You can visit our blog at http://www.jaybirdnwa.blogspot.com
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